Source Code
<!--#include virtual="/ASPSpellCheck/"-->
<textarea name="MyTextArea1" id="MyTextArea1">
Hello worlb.
<textarea name="MyTextArea2" id="MyTextArea2">
Hello worlb.
dim myLink
set myLink = new AspSpellLink
myLink.fields="MyTextArea1,MyTextArea2" ''all would also work
response.write myLink.imageButtonHTML("","","")
response.write myLink.linkHTML("Spell Check Link","")
response.write myLink.buttonHTML("Spell Check Button","")
set myLink=nothing
- imageButtonHTML , linkHTML and buttonHTML all render different designs of button
- fields is used to target any field or fields on the page for spellchecking. You can also use a comma separated list for multiple or groups such as: "all", "textareas", "textinputs", "editors" or ".anyCSSClass"