ASP SpellChecks Methods & Properties
To use ASPSpellCheck you need to create an instance of the the AspSpellLink class found in "/ASPSpellCheck/"
Its basic usage is show below:
<!--#include virtual="/ASPSpellCheck/"--> <textarea id="MyTextArea" name="MyTextArea" cols="30" rows="10" > Hello World. Ths iz a tezt sampl. </textarea> <% dim myLink set myLink = new AspSpellLink myLink.fields="MyTextArea" ''Sets the Field id(s) to be spell-checked response.write myLink.imageButtonHTML("","","") response.write myLink.spellAsYouType() set myLink=nothing %>
ASP Functions
Function | Description | Example |
myLink.buttonHTML(buttonText,CSSclass) | Returns HTML for a button which will open a spellchecking dialog window
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myLink.initializeJavaScript() | Returns HTML for a script include which activates the JavaScript API
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myLink.imageButtonHTML(buttonImage,rolloverImage, buttonText) | Returns HTML for a hyperlink which will open a spellchecking dialog window
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myLink.linkHTML(linkText,CSSclass) | Returns HTML for a hyperlink which will open a spellchecking dialog window
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myLink.spellAsYouType() | Returns HTML for a script whcih causes texareas to underline any misspelled words - and provides spelling suggestions on right click.
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ASP Properties
Property | Type | Default Value | Description |
myLink.aspSpellPath | string | "/ASPSpellCheck" | The virtual path that the ASPSpellCheck directory is installed to. |
myLink.caseSensitive | bool | true | Spellchecker notices cAse mIstAkes |
myLink.checkGrammar | bool | true | Spellchecker notices basic grammar mistakes such as sentence casing and repeated words. |
myLink.CSSTheme | string | "classic" | Allows you to apply a CSS theme to change the appearance of ASPSpellCheck.
myLink.dialogLanguage | string | "en" | Translates the context menu and spellchecker dialog into over 50 international languages.
myLink.dictionary | string | "English (international)" | The default dictionary language used by the spellchecker engine.
myLink.fields | string | "all" | Sets the field or fields to be spellchecked.
myLink.formToSubmit | string | "" | Will submit a form (identified by its id attribute) once spellchecking once SpellCheckInWindow is complete. |
myLink.hideSummary | bool | false | Hides the statistics screen (word count, edit count) after SpellCheck in the dialog window is complete. |
myLink.hideSummary | bool | false | Hides the statistics screen (word count, edit count) after SpellCheck in the dialog window is complete. |
myLink.ignoreAllCaps | bool | true | Spellchecker ignores BLOCK CAPITAL letters which are often acronyms. |
myLink.ignoreNumbers | bool | true | Spellchecker ignores words with numbers in them like "High5" or "MSO7262BGO" |
myLink.scriptID | string | A unique instance id | Returns the string name of a JavaScript object for a spellchecker instance that can be used to attach JavaScript client-side events.
myLink.showMeanings | bool | true | Spellchecker shows a thesaurus and look-up-meaning in the dialog window |
myLink.addWordsToDictionary | string | "USER" |
Defines where words that users "add to dictionary" are saved
myLink.strict | bool | false | Spellchecker dialog window will not allow users to ignore banned words or enforced corrections. |
myLink.windowMode | string | "modal" | SpellCheckInWindow pop-up style: