ASP Spell Check Docs - ASP Object Reference

ASP SpellChecks Methods & Properties

To use ASPSpellCheck you need to create an instance of the the AspSpellLink class found in "/ASPSpellCheck/"

Its basic usage is show below:

<!--#include virtual="/ASPSpellCheck/"-->

<textarea id="MyTextArea" name="MyTextArea" cols="30" rows="10" >
Hello World. Ths iz a tezt sampl.

dim myLink
set myLink = new AspSpellLink
myLink.fields="MyTextArea" ''Sets the Field id(s) to be spell-checked
response.write myLink.imageButtonHTML("","","")
response.write myLink.spellAsYouType() 
set myLink=nothing

ASP Functions

Function Description Example
myLink.buttonHTML(buttonText,CSSclass) Returns HTML for a button which will open a spellchecking dialog window
  • buttonText - sets the text of the button
  • CSSclass - adds a CSS class to the link
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myLink.initializeJavaScript() Returns HTML for a script include which activates the JavaScript API
  • Normally applied in the head of the document.
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myLink.imageButtonHTML(buttonImage,rolloverImage, buttonText) Returns HTML for a hyperlink which will open a spellchecking dialog window
  • buttonImage - sets the image for the button
  • rolloverImage - sets an optional "mouse-over" image
  • buttonText - sets the alt /tooltip text
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myLink.linkHTML(linkText,CSSclass) Returns HTML for a hyperlink which will open a spellchecking dialog window
  • linkText - sets the text of the hyperlink
  • CSSclass - adds a CSS class to the link
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myLink.spellAsYouType() Returns HTML for a script whcih causes texareas to underline any misspelled words - and provides spelling suggestions on right click.
  • Normally applied in the head of the document.
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ASP Properties

Property Type Default Value Description
myLink.aspSpellPath string "/ASPSpellCheck" The virtual path that the ASPSpellCheck directory is installed to.
myLink.caseSensitive bool true Spellchecker notices cAse mIstAkes
myLink.checkGrammar bool true Spellchecker notices basic grammar mistakes such as sentence casing and repeated words.
myLink.CSSTheme string "classic" Allows you to apply a CSS theme to change the appearance of ASPSpellCheck.
  • Corresponds to theme folder in /JavaScriptSpellCheck/themes
myLink.dialogLanguage string "en" Translates the context menu and spellchecker dialog into over 50 international languages.
myLink.dictionary string "English (international)" The default dictionary language used by the spellchecker engine.
myLink.fields string "all" Sets the field or fields to be spellchecked.
  • Select 1: myLink.fields="myFieldId"
  • Select Multiple: myLink.fields="myFieldId1,myFieldId2,myFieldId3"
  • Select all viable field on the page: myLink.fields="all"
  • Select all textareas: myLink.fields="textareas"
  • Select all input boxes: myLink.fields="textinputs"
  • Select all Rich HTML Editors: myLink.fields="editors"
  • Select all fields with a given CSS class: myLink.fields=".myCSSClassName"
  • See the How to target fields tutorial
myLink.formToSubmit string "" Will submit a form (identified by its id attribute) once spellchecking once SpellCheckInWindow is complete.
myLink.hideSummary bool false Hides the statistics screen (word count, edit count) after SpellCheck in the dialog window is complete.
myLink.hideSummary bool false Hides the statistics screen (word count, edit count) after SpellCheck in the dialog window is complete.
myLink.ignoreAllCaps bool true Spellchecker ignores BLOCK CAPITAL letters which are often acronyms.
myLink.ignoreNumbers bool true Spellchecker ignores words with numbers in them like "High5" or "MSO7262BGO"
myLink.scriptID string A unique instance id Returns the string name of a JavaScript object for a spellchecker instance that can be used to attach JavaScript client-side events.
myLink.showMeanings bool true Spellchecker shows a thesaurus and look-up-meaning in the dialog window
myLink.addWordsToDictionary string "USER" Defines where words that users "add to dictionary" are saved
  • "USER" saves locally in the user's browser cache
  • "NONE" disables the feature and removes the button
  • SERVER" saves centrally on your server and affects all other users
To allow "SERVER" edit /ASPSpellCheck/core/settings/default-0settings.asp and set: SaveToCentralDictionary = true
myLink.strict bool false Spellchecker dialog window will not allow users to ignore banned words or enforced corrections.
myLink.windowMode string "modal" SpellCheckInWindow pop-up style:
  • "modal" - a modal dialog window
  • "modelss" - a modless dialog window
  • "popup" - a normal popup