ASP Spell Check Docs - Installation

Installation Procedure

ASPSpellCheck installation is simple. There are no DLLS, ActiveX controls or installers. This makes it very easy to use, even on most virtual hosting packages. Installing the component into your web application onto your web server

ASPSpellCheck is installed by copying the entire ASPSpellCheck directory (in the ZIP archive you downloaded) into a directory of your website. The ASPSpellCheck folder should be copied into the root level of your website wherever possible. If you do not work with IIS sites, then the root level of your website is likely to be c:\inetpub\wwwroot

Normally, the best position for this is in the root level of your website, as this makes for a clean and simple usage. If you decide to place the ASPSpellCheck component elsewhere, you will have to set the aspSpellPath property every time you use ASPSpellCheck.

Testing your ASPSpellCheck Installation

Using your web browser, view the script sample.asp within the ASPSpellCheck directory.

  • For example:

You should be able to see a simple HTML form.

  • By clicking in the button beside it, you will open the spellchecker dialog.
  • By right clicking on spelling mistakes hi-lighted in red you will open a spellchecking context menu.

Note that the Spellchecker will take a few seconds to set itself up the first time you use it.


<!--#include virtual="/ASPSpellCheck/"-->

<textarea id="MyTextArea" name="MyTextArea" cols="30" rows="10" >
Hello World. Ths iz a tezt sampl.

dim myLink
set myLink = new AspSpellLink
myLink.fields="MyTextArea" ''Sets the Field id(s) to be spell-checked
response.write myLink.imageButtonHTML("","","")
response.write myLink.spellAsYouType() 
set myLink=nothing